by Litaletu Zidepa On the outskirts of the Johannesburg CBD lies a pulsating colourful melting pot that stretches for about 350 stores. Tailored in the vibrant cloth of multiculturalism, a distinct pulse and a rich history, Oriental Plaza reflects the cultural diversity of South Africa. Formerly an apartheid-era attempt to build a distinct identity and […]
Continue Reading... No Michelle Gumede NOS foggers, split mags and dropped suspension are staples for drag racing in Mayfair; the subculture keeps local police busy and the costs are exorbitant. But the guys, and the girls, love it anyway. “Neh hond, I’m going to jigga, this truck driver naai is wasting time,” Smiley says as he changes […]
Continue Reading... No Masego Panyane For the people of Little Mogadishu, life in South Africa is characterised by a constant attempt to survive the harsh realities of being “a foreigner”. They have, however, found something that can help ease the sting of that reality – football. The first thing that catches your eye as you walk up […]
Continue Reading... No Boipelo Boikhutso Along the dusty road of Little Mogadishu, a blend of strong smells permeates the air, a combination of stale urine, dust and exotic spices. In the midst of that odour, there is also an aromatic smell – of coffee beans. “This is not just any coffee, it is the original Ethiopian coffee,” Abdi […]
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